1. Can I use profit builder to edit the page I set as the Blog page (under Reading section)? I was able to edit the page to look like my other pages but once I set it as the Blog page, the layout changed and I can’t edit it anymore using PB.
2. How do I hide the search magnifying glass in the menu?
3. How do I hide the comments section from showing at the bottom of the posts page?
4. For the menu bar, can I add an image as the background? If not, can I completely hide that menu and create a custom one?
The question of hiding the menu is covered in our Knowledgebase here, called “Hide Primary Menu.” You cannot add an image as a background. Frankly, this is a bad idea because it would be distracting to your customer.
You cannot edit a blog page that is set in Settings > Reading. You can, however, create your own:
Since you are creating your own blog page, you have control over whether or not you can use the “comments” element. But you can also disable comments in PB Theme Options:
For posts, you can disable that as here, under Screen Options:
Finally, you can hide the magnifying glass but it requires some custom code, which I have attached. Please paste this code in the Custom CSS section of PB Theme Options: