Friday, September 2nd through Monday, September 5th for the U.S. Labor Day Holiday.
Regular/Non-Holiday Support Hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (PST).
For faster results you can find most of the answers to all your questions by hovering your mouse over the “Knowledge Base FAQ” link on the top menu or the Knowledge Base page here.
If you will take a few minutes to review the following helpful hints before submitting your ticket, it will help speed up the support process for you during our working hours and help you with issues you might have when we are away.
We do our level best to answer your tickets as quickly as possible during our normal work days. “However, although not often, ticket turn around time can take 12-48 hours depending on how many tickets are ahead of yours”; thank you for your patience as some tickets received later in the afternoon may roll over into the next day, Monday thru Friday.
That said, if you are experiencing issues with your plugin please check these common trouble shooting steps first. These steps are “tried and tested” to solve 99% of any issue you may experience; these aren’t things we can do for you and are steps only you as a webmaster can and should perform.
What we do and do not support:
1. Our plugins, themes, and/or services.
Although our plugins will work with most 3rd party themes and plugins there are thousands available so we cannot guarantee every one will work and as such we do not provide support for 3rd party themes or plugins. If you think there is a conflict check #3 on the common trouble shooting steps page; you may also need to contact the support for the theme or plugin you are using.
2. Our products “as built”.
We do not provide customizations or CSS style adjustments. However, this link or this one may help you. Or, you might consider hiring someone from Fiverr, Upwork, or another job board of your choice to assist you.
3. Activation of your license and/or member’s area.
To create your member’s area log in to your JVZoo or Clickbank account within 60 minutes of your purchase and follow the product purchase button or link to register your account, once you have created your member’s area you will find the tutorials and your downloads. If you experience an issue with the registration form please submit a ticket. If you have issue with Sellosity please try Chrome browser.
If you have plugin activation issues after installing to your WordPress websiteplease follow all of the instructions here as most activation failures are generally always due to hosting platforms timing out when connecting to our license server. This link may also be of some help.
4. Plugin updates as determined by our development team.
When WordPress releases a major update please follow the instructions we provide to avoid issues when updating WordPress, follow these instructions…
5. When we aren’t available you can find answers to most of your questions through our support knowledge base here.
6. Other important questions you may have:
Why aren’t my tickets being answered?
How can I speed up my support process?
Can I hire you to build or work on my website?
I joined Inner Circle, how do I access the member’s area?
Where do I login to get my downloads and activation codes?
My site is really slow, what can I do?
What is my plugin’s current version?
What are your other support policies?
I have other questions, where can I find the answers?
We are always happy to help you to the best of our ability. We take pride in our work and do our level best to understand your needs, along with your occasional frustrations, and provide the best possible answer based on our experience of similar issues you may be experiencing, all we ask is that you try to understand that not all issues you might have may be due to our products alone and follow these steps prior to submitting your ticket as they will most likely solve your issue.
That said, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who yells at us, swears at us, or demeans us in any way and should you do so you may lose access to your plugin members area without notice, be banned from purchasing other products or services from us, have your email and IP addresses banned from our entire system, and have your email addresses marked as spam in our support center. Back to Top