FAQ – Can’t Activate Plugin

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Make sure you have no trailing spaces before or after when you copy and paste the activation code to your wp-admin area. If you have not installed your plugin from the Inner Circle make sure the box below the activation area “I am an Inner Circle member” is “unchecked”… the other thing to do would be to deactivate your other plugins, activate your new plugin then reactivate your other plugins…this could also be a bad install so backup your site, deactivate/delete your new plugin, download a fresh copy from your members area and reinstall while your other plugins are deactivated.

Make sure your host has not disabled “fsockopen”. This function needs to be enabled and is required for activation for our plugins to function… Also ask your host if they are blocking your site from being able to access external websites, in this case, our licensing servers, please have your host white list the following IP address to our IMSC License Checker: In addition, make sure your host has the most current PHP installed on your site.

Also, if you are using the host TSO, we have had a few customers experiencing this same issue even though they also have other (older) domains with Profit Builder, on the same host account running without any issues.

If your host won’t help you with any the above you really should move your site to a better and more reliable hosting environment:

You might consider:

Siteground 50% off First Month of Hosting > discount code SELLOSITYROCKS

BigScoots > They are competitively priced and their support answers tickets within the hour most times. One of our agents uses the 155cc shared plan and has never had an issue with any of our products there, they also have a turbo plan…

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