FAQ – GDPR Compliance

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First, we are not legal advisers and therefore cannot provide advise as to “HOW TO COMPLY TO THE GDPR”.

That said, there is a lot of information available to you that you’ll need to research, and, there are many plugins available for use at https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/gdpr/  However, all plugins available state that just having them active or using them (including the second checkbox in Profit Builder), does not mean that your site is automatically GDPR compliant.

This link https://blog.aweber.com/email-marketing/6-myths-gdpr-email-marketing-debunked.htm will debunk the myths surrounding the GDPR. Basically conforming to the GDPR is just being transparent to your visitors about your data collection.

Although we can’t advise you as to what to do or not do, here is a simple example of what a large corporation Iolo is doing to conform to the GDPR:

We have updated our Privacy Policy and it will become effective on May 25, 2018.

We have mainly simplified our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect, how we use the information we collect, and your choices with regard to that information.

You can review the updated Privacy Policy here:

As always, your privacy comes first.

If you have any questions about the updated Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at privacypolicy@iolo.com.


Here is another simple sample from an online marketer:

No doubt you’ve been bombarded with emails about “updating communication preferences” blah blah blah insert more boring legal jargon here. I’ve received about 4 or 5 of those a day for the last few weeks.

What’s going on?

It’s because there’s new laws in the European Union that affect all businesses that communicate via email.

But I’ll keep it simple for you…

The bottom line is, I’ve updated our Privacy Policy and I’m contacting everyone who has previously agreed to receive emails from me.

You don’t need to do anything if you’re happy to continue receiving my emails.

If you would prefer not to hear from me about the “Help My Business!” show or other information I send out from time to time about useful info for entrepreneurs and small business owners, you can simply click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of this email.

Make sense?

Phew, that wasn’t so bad was it?! 

Okay, you can get back to browsing the Internet again…


If you still have doubts you can reach out to a GDPR consultant for additional information and advise if these links given do not answer your questions.

The GDPR is strictly regulated for those who reside in the EU, although if you have customers who are not in the EU they will also have to consent to the forms along with your GDPR regulated Privacy Statement, unless you have a separate website compliant for The GDPR for EU customers only.

From what we understand, the only solution to getting around The GDPR is to block IP addresses from the EU so as not to allow those country IPs access to your site. https://www.google.com/search?q=block+EU+ip+addresses&oq=block+EU+ip+addresses&aqs=chrome..69i57.9494j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Most all autoresponder companies will have and/or advise you on how they are, and you need to be, GDPR compliant.


(Although MailChimp does not seem to be compatible with embedded forms, so if you use MailChimp you’ll want to contact their support for further information.)




For any other autoresponder information regarding The GDPR simply do a search through your favorite browser with the name of your autoresponder and The GDPR.

Here are a few other links that you may find helpful:







In summation and simply put, if you have EU customers you must fully comply, if you don’t have or don’t want EU customers, you must block EU IP addresses…

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