FAQ – Plugin & Theme Conflicts

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Trouble Shooting Tips:


When you install any IMSC plugin and experience issues with your site after doing so the issue will most likely relate to another plugin or theme conflict, or, an incomplete install which will almost always relate to memory or php limitations as set by your host provider.

1. Before you check your site for other plugin or theme conflicts be sure you have a complete backup of your site’s files/folders and database. If you are unsure how to do this please contact your host provider. It is our recommendation that you backup your site and database 1-2 times a week depending on your own personal needs. Any plugin or theme you install, regardless of who the developer is, can conflict with other plugins or themes you have and can potentially break your site. If you get in the habit of making regular backups you will never loose your site. If you do not do backups you put yourself at risk of your site being unrecoverable…

2. Make sure you have the most current versions of all the plugins/themes you are using, including all IMSC themes and plugins.

3. If you have other plugins showing in your wp-admin plugin section as deactivated it is our recommendation that you completely delete those plugins you are no longer using. Even though they are deactivated they still remain in your database and affect your site’s load speed. After you have deleted any plugin we also recommend using a tool such as WP-Optimize that will clean and optimize your database after deletions. There are others available, it is your choice which one you choose to use.

4. Deactivate all your active plugins, except the IMSC plugin you have just installed and any other plugins that came with the IMSC plugin (such as WordPress Visual Icons that comes packaged with Profit Builder), then check your issue to see if it corrects. If you have a caching plugin do not deactivate it, just make sure “minify” is unchecked and/or turn off caching in the plugin itself. Although, you may deactivate it as well if you so choose and know what you are doing. If you deactivate a caching plugin “make sure you have a site backup”.

5. If the issue with one of our plugins is resolved after deactivating all other plugins you have a conflict between another plugin you are using and ours.

6. To discover which plugins are creating the conflict you will need to activate your other plugins one by one then check again after activating each one to see if the issue resolves or returns. If/when the issue returns you will know which plugin is creating the conflict with one of ours. At this point you will need to choose which plugin is most important. If there is a plugin creating the conflict that you absolutely must have for your site you can install Profit Builder and/or Rapid Mailer, in their own sub-directory on your site with their own wordpress install and database.

7. If you do not find another plugin to be the conflict it may be the theme you are using. Deactivate your current theme and activate one of the wordpress default themes then check to see if the issue with our plugin resolves. If it does your preferred theme is causing the conflict. NOTE: do not deactivate your theme without having backed up your site as noted above; if using a child theme be sure you have backed up child and parent.

8. If you receive an error relating to PHP version settings please contact your host as you need minimum php 5.6 (although we recommend 7.2 native). If your host specifies that all is current send us the following login information (as listed below in #11) so we can check the error and advise you further.

9. If you experience any IMSC plugin/theme install issues where the install times out, doesn’t complete, or your site shows as a blank page, this almost always relates to the low memory settings your host has provided to you; if this is the case contact your host and ask them to configure your php.ini file to reflect the following (128M and max execution settings is an example only, you can ask to set them higher and will depend on your host’s policies, some cpanel hosting providers use a .user.ini file):

#Change upload limits
file_uploads = On
post_max_size = 64M
upload_max_filesize = 64M
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time 0
#Change upload limits end

Also, please have your host whitelist the following IP and make sure they have not disabled fsockopen() for security reasons as it is necessary for our license server: IMSC License Checker is

10. If you have several of our IMSC plugins installed and are installing a new IMSC plugin and experience “serial # activation issues”deactivate all other IMSC plugins then activate the new one, after activation re-activate the others, if you are using Rapid Mailer re-activate it last.

If you are an Accelerator Inner Circle member and are using your IC serial # with the plugin you downloaded “from IC” be sure you check the “I am an Inner Circle member” below the activation area. If you are installing the plugin you purchased outside of IC and using that serial # make sure the “I am an Inner Circle member” is unchecked.

If you are having activation issues with List Rocket and any other plugins that come with List Rocket, deactivate Rapid Mailer and any other IMSC plugins, activate List Rocket and the other plugins, then re-activate IMSC plugins, Rapid Mailer last…

11. If none of the above corrects the issue you are having, and YOU HAVE DONE ALL OF THE ABOVE send “ALL” of the following information for us to be able to troubleshoot further for you. Just to be clear, “we will not double check your plugins/themes for conflicts” we assume you have done this already as to the above instructions.

In order to assist you and resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please send us a screenshot or video of your problem, you can use jing for both, it’s free, if you have a windows pc or laptop you can install and use Windows Snipping Tool for screenshots, for Windows 7 you will find it in Start > All Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool

Before you send us your login information please double check that it is the correct information. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE IN YOUR SUPPORT TICKET along with the description/screenshot and/or video of your issue in order to resolve your problem as quickly as possible, without the correct information it will delay your issue getting resolved as quickly as it would if we have the correct information to start with…

1. Your site’s wp-admin url:
Your wp-admin username:
Your wp-admin password:

Your cPanel login url:
Your cPanel username:
Your cPanel password:

Your IMSC plugin member area username:
Your IMSC plugin member area password:

2. You must let us know that you have checked all your plugins/themes for conflicts (as listed above), that the problem still exists after checking, and that you have backed up your site. If you find a conflict with one of your other plugins or theme let us know what they are. Although we cannot guarantee that we can resolve the compatibility issue we will look into “the most popular plugins and themes” to see if there is something we might be able to do to assist you…

You MUST also type “I Accept Your Terms” in your support ticket to the disclaimer below. If you have taken the steps above, accepting our terms should not be an issue for you. We require this disclaimer due to customers who claim to have completed the above steps but actually have not and is meant to protect us in that event.

Disclaimer: In providing us with direct access to your account you automatically hold ADD Marketing Group free and harmless from any liability for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from our accessing your account.

If you have any questions regarding our new support policies or need assistance not outlined above please send a ticket direct to ATTN: Linda Lou

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