PBV1 – Turn Off Scrolling Menu

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I don’t want the menu to scroll when I scroll down the page, I just want it to stay at the top. So what coding do I need to insert because I don’t see an option to just turn it off?


In Profit Builder version 1, there isn’t an option to turn this off.

However, you can disable this, with this code:

.header_wrapper.layout-small-right .menu_wrapper > ul {display: none;}

Just place it into the Custom CSS box as shown here:

If you need further customisation, please look to Guru.com, or UpWork to find someone to assist you.

Having said that, as Profit Builder version 2 is out, you can disable the sticky menu as here:

We strongly recommend upgrading as here (free for previous version 1 owners:

IMPORTANT: Before upgrading to Version 2 make sure you have backed up your site, we recommend Duplicator https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/

Views: 26